Durant la performance, l’énergie de la troupe a électrisé la salle.
Ce spectacle fut peut-être le concert invité le plus mémorable de l’année dernière. La performance était très interactive. Mme Raymond a même réussi à faire participer les les 280 enfants dans quelques danses.
Les enseignants et les étudiants ont été captivés par la performance entraînante, colorée, divertissante et éducative de tous les membres de la troupe.
Un examen récent des évaluations des participants (es) aux congrès de professeurs à l’échelle de la province de l’Alberta effectué dernièrement a révélé que vos ateliers avaient reçu les plus hautes cotes en 2013
De remarquables métaphores prennent vie durant ces ateliers – renforcement d’équipe, communication, collaboration et leadership.
« My name is Nick and I am special education teacher who works with children in grade 3 and who are on the autism spectrum. Louise ran a one-hour session for three of our special need’s classes (18 students, 9 staff). It was amazing! The session was well structured with a variety of activities and we were able to use quality instruments. The session brought everyone out of their shell- adults included! Our students’ personalities all came out as they are given the space to explore and express themselves as they please. Teaching creativity is difficult, but I can safely say that our session brought about much creativity. It was a very meaningful experience and afterwards, all of our students were more productive, calmer and seemed happier throughout the day!
The 20-minute improvisation portion of the session is something I will remember for a long time! The smiles, movements, voices, rhythms, laughter, focus and positive energy was something truly beautiful. We were connected through rhythm on a level that can only be achieved through art (creative expression). It inspired us all, even those who have no musical training. I think letting loose like that is so important for us as human beings as it teaches us just that, how to be. I have been inspired to bring in more music/movement activities into my class. I really appreciate the experience that Louise facilitated for us. »