Annunciation Catholic School, I.B. World School, Edmonton
Three days of drum circle workshop will be presented in Spanish, French, and English!
Three days of drum circle workshop will be presented in Spanish, French, and English!
Malicounda will visit for the second time Ecole Ste-Jeanne Darc in Edmonton. Two days of drum circle workshops will be presented in French for Black Month History.
Malicounda will be presenting a workshop for the GETCA for teachers on how to facilitate a drum circle in their classroom. Drums and musical instruments from different countries around the […]
Experience the transformative power of rhythm by making music together! A workshop on how to make music in the classroom with 100 early childhood educators […]
Several workshops and a family event with Ecole Sophie Morigeau.Fun!
Malicounda has presented several workshops and a special event with families at Ecole des Grands-Vents.
Two Assembly Programs were presented to 500 children in French and English with a 60-minute session to prepare the children!
One Assembly Program was presented with the secondary level for 400 children in regard to the recognition of bus drivers.
Two assemblies were presented in French and English for 400 children!
Several workshops were presented for the primary level in French!